
阅读为什么庇护研究客户喜欢他们的Cypher AFMS


Andras Kis,EPFL

“ Cypher是迄今为止我使用过的最好,最稳定,最可配置的AFM。”

Andras Kis,EPFL瑞士

雷·达加斯汀(Ray Dagastine)

“ Cypher是一个奇妙的AFM。它为分辨率和易用性设定了标准。它使常规表征变得容易,并为高分辨率成像打开了许多可能性。我们很高兴能在我们的实验室中使用该乐器。”

雷蒙德·R·达加斯汀(Raymond R. Dagastine),化学和生物分子工程系,大学。墨尔本

"Asylum’s Cypher is clearly the best choice for polymer research. When I compared Cypher to the alternatives, it became very obvious that Asylum Research is far ahead of their competitors in pushing the limits of AFM performance and developing tools for nanomechanical measurements. My research increasingly requires methods for characterizing the viscoelastic response of polymers and the ability to apply more sophisticated contact mechanics models. Those capabilities just don’t exist on other AFMs, but Asylum’s Cypher offers many options, including AM-FM Viscoelastic Mapping Mode and a much more flexible and adaptable implementation of fast force curve mapping."

东北大学的首席研究员肯·纳卡吉玛(Ken Nakajima),最近被任命为东京理工学院教授

“ Cypher es un Excelente SPM。Su estabilidad,Resolución,Versatilidad yFácilmanejo lo hacenúnico。允许Lacaracterizaciónde Materiales Sea Sencilla Brindando Muchas posibilidades deanálisis。Estamos Muy Contentos de Contar conte Instrumento en nuestros Laboratorios。”

Manuel Espinosa,研究Inciartion de Resjuctionun Nuce(ININ-MEXICO)



“ Cypher确实是第三代AFM。庇护研究人员已经看着过去限制AFM性能的一切,并在这一新设计中对所有人都解决了所有这些。Cypher具有更好的分辨率,更少的噪音,更少的噪音,更少的漂移,更准确, is able to scan faster and, on top of that, is the easiest to use AFM I have ever seen — and I’ve seen pretty much all of them while doing AFM since the first DI AFM was introduced 20 years ago. My student timed how long it took him to be successfully imaging from the time he walked in the door — 90 seconds! He accomplished in two hours what would have taken a whole day on our existing Veeco AFM. I had previously burned months of graduate student effort on AFM projects that were not successful in getting the images we wanted. With the Cypher we can get most of these images the first time — much faster than before and without using special cantilevers."

怀俄明大学布鲁斯·帕金森(Bruce Parkinson)

“ Cypher是一台很棒的机器,我对研究的可能性感到非常兴奋。”

达勒姆大学的Kislon Voitchovsky


Laurent Bozec,伦敦纳米技术中心(LCN)


约书亚·艾格(Joshua Ager),加州大学伯克利分校

“从我的理解来看,Cypher在2008年Mrs Mrs的展厅地板上产生了出版物质量的数据。我认为这说明了一切,AFM如此稳定,可以在蛋白质纳米替代物中图像分子构象在旧的质量约10Nm中厚约10nm海恩斯展览馆,有成千上万的出席人士和在下面奔跑的火车。Cypher显然设定了标准的标准。此外,庇护研究还拥有业务中最好的服务。”



中国南京大学DI WU教授


Fabio Comin和Luca Costa,欧洲同步辐射设施

“ Cypher是我有史以来使用过的最好的AFM。对于我们的组,它允许光谱模式的无缝整合,用于探测聚合物中的接触力学,能源存储和发电材料的离子扩散以及铁电源的极化转换,并且在一个柔性中的多效性,一个柔性,高稳定性平台。Cypher使我们所做的工作成为可能。”

斯蒂芬·杰西(Stephen Jesse),橡树岭国家实验室

Nikta Fakhri Facebook帖子


Zahra Fakhraai

